一開始,他們約的地點就讓我很有壓力 -『耕讀園』(一家消費不低但充滿古色古香中國風的茶館)。接著,會議開始時間是下午 4:00,但卻只有一位所長準時抵達,其它組員平均以每隔半小時的時差陸續來到... 最後到來的紀錄是在 6點多 (正是組長),剛好加入一起用晚餐。
這期間,只見先到的組員不斷地接業務電話或電話催促遲來的同事。他們電話的空檔,我們就一直哈拉聊天~ 大家都一直說好話、褒獎啦、感謝啦、若話題有我可參與的我就加入... 你一定不相信,會議開始是在 7點多,也就是用完餐後才正式開始!
其實,這個 "財務投資" 的作業本身的困難度就很高,再加上涉及他們汽車行業的相關數據,即使我想發表意見也很難! 而且,他們手機鈴聲此起彼落,大夥兒在會議中拚命地講業務電話...
發表意見時,可能是他們的專業,意見很多,但讓人無所適從!眼看已經 9點多了,各方意見卻僵持不下,還有人怪主席不聽建議 (但我覺得主席很盡心)!
哦,天氣這麼冷身陷此地,真想趕快回家,同時,我也想到管理大師彼得杜拉克說的 "they ran productive meetings." 終於,我起身走到前面白板抄了老師給的樣本大綱,用這方法來打破僵局使討論得以繼續... 終於,在分配每人要準備的資料和和繳交期限後過不久就散會了!!
其它人已先驅車離去了,我在門口等那位結帳的大哥,問他費用要分攤多少? 他笑著說:『ㄝ 不用擔心啦!』
騎車回到家已經 10:30了。 這樣的開會經驗很令我印象深刻,但... 一次就夠了!
"What Makes an Effective Executive"... Great managers may be charismatic or dull, generous or tightfisted, visionary or numbers oriented. But every effective executive follows eight simple practices.
1. They asked, “What needs to be done?”
2. They asked, “What is right for the enterprise?”
3. They developed action plans
4. They took responsibility for decisions.
5. They took responsibility for communicating
6. They were focused on opportunities rather than problems
7. They ran productive meetings
8. They thought and said “we"rather than “I.”by Peter Drucker
Cute penguin! ;)
可愛厚! 謝謝啦~
連我自己看了都笑個不停呢 :D
those quotes are so interesting~!!
mind i quote them in my blog as well???
go ahead, you can quote whatever you want^^
you are authorized, Emily! hahaha :)
thank u!!
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